The treaties of free trade (FTA) and exports of aggro-industrial products in Peru


  • Dr. Freddy Manuel Camacho Delgado Universidad Nacional Intercultural Fabiola Salazar Leguia de Bagua, Peru
  • Prof. Juan Antonio Garay Montes Civil Asociation Sisayaku Ecotourism Lamas Peru



FTA, Free Trade Agreement, Exports, Products, Agroindustrial product


The research has been developed in order to provide significant contributions to the Free Trade Agreements (FTA) and exports of agro-industrial products, for which the methodology of scientific research was used, an instrument that served to develop important aspects of the work. The study carried out the compilation of information about different perspectives regarding the development of the variables: Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and exports; As for the field study, the technique of the survey, with its instrument the questionnaire was made up of 14 questions that were answered by the managers of the exporting companies of agro-industrial products, wH0 gave their different points of view. The FTA currently benefits different sectors that analyzed by statistical graphs and interpretations; they allow then, that the hypotheses raised and contrasted arrive at the conclusions and recommendations of the work. Finally, the research concludes with the contributions, which were fully achieved, facilitating the recommendations, which are considered viable and practicable; In addition, the extensive bibliography is added, as well as the corresponding annexe.

DOI: 10.5958/2347-6869.2019.00006.2


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The treaties of free trade (FTA) and exports of aggro-industrial products in Peru



How to Cite

Freddy Manuel Camacho, D., & Juan Antonio Garay, M. (2020). The treaties of free trade (FTA) and exports of aggro-industrial products in Peru. SOCRATES, 7(1 and 2), 41–53.

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