Local Climate Change in Trujillo City Peru


  • Dr. Carlos Alfredo Bocanegra Garcia Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru
  • Prof. Dr Bilmia Veneros Urbina Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Peru
  • Prof. Juan Antonio Garay Montes International Project Development & Cooperation, University Researcher, Peru




change climate, Ecosystems, Environment, Biodiversity, El niño –Phenomenon


Results of climatic changes occurred in the city of Trujillo, Peru, attributed to the influence of the coastal irrigation Project, which transformed the desert ecosystem through a carpet of crops. We observed strong increases environmental temperature, humidity and evapotranspiration, changes that mean to leave the denomination Project Chavimochic the city of "Eternal Spring" to Trujillo.

DOI: 10.5958/2347-6869.2019.00007.4


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Author Biography

Prof. Juan Antonio Garay Montes, International Project Development & Cooperation, University Researcher, Peru

Full Professor, Researcher, Higher Education, International Technical Cooperation & Development, Peru. Member of : International Public Policy Association.


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Local Climate Change in Trujillo City, Peru



How to Cite

Bocanegra G., C. A., Veneros Urbina, B., & Juan Antonio Garay, M. (2020). Local Climate Change in Trujillo City Peru . SOCRATES, 7(1 and 2), 54–61. https://doi.org/10.5958/2347-6869.2019.00007.4