Effects of organizational conflict on Public sector employees stress in India


  • Vaishali Ms. Research scholar in the Dept. of Commerce at the University of Jammu, Jammu India.


Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Organizational conflict, Employees stress


This study aims to explore the effects of organizational conflict, on role stressors namely role conflict and role ambiguity, among the employees of J&K public corporations. Based on the survey of 242 corporate employees of J&K State Forest Corporation, J&K State Road Transport Corporation, J&K Cement Limited and J&K State Industrial Development Corporation, the effective response received was 72.31%. The data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using the structural equation model to measure the relationship among the constructs. The empirical results revalidate that role conflict and role ambiguity has positive association with employees stress. The mediating effects of organizational conflict positively impact employees stress. Implications, limitations, and future lines of research are also discussed in this paper.


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Effects of organizational conflict on Public sector employees stress in India




How to Cite

Ms., V. (2014). Effects of organizational conflict on Public sector employees stress in India. SOCRATES, 2(1), 184–209. Retrieved from https://www.socratesjournal.com/index.php/SOCRATES/article/view/59



Economics,Management and Commerce