Open Government Data (OGD) usage in India

A conceptual framework using TOE & UTAUT frameworks



Open Government Data, India, TOE, UTAUT


Open Government Data (OGD) is considered as an important constituent of e-government where the notions of transparency, collaboration and participation are being envisaged. This paper is a step in this direction where the OGD platform ( is being probed using a qualitative and quantitative lens. Research hypotheses are being derived following the popular TOE and UTAUT models and multiple regression informs the quantitative analysis to ascertain OGD usage by end-users. The study shows that OGD usage is popular among the end-users in terms of the number of views and downloads of the datasets. Future research might undertake the empirical investigation of the research hypotheses advanced in the paper.


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Open Government Data (OGD) usage in India:  A conceptual framework using TOE & UTAUT frameworks



How to Cite

Stuti, S. (2016). Open Government Data (OGD) usage in India: A conceptual framework using TOE & UTAUT frameworks. SOCRATES, 4(3), 124–144. Retrieved from