Author Self Archiving Policy

SOCRATES is a hybrid open-access journal, offering support for both subscription-based and open-access publishing models. Upon submission, authors must select one of the following accessibility options:

  1. Publishing the article as open access.
  2. Publishing the article with subscription access.

The journal's self-archiving policy varies for authors based on their chosen accessibility option.

Publishing the article as open access:

When authors choose to publish their article as an open-access article, there are certain restrictions and permissions that apply:


  • Authors are permitted to post their submitted articles on personal, not-for-profit websites.
  • They can also deposit their submissions into institutional repositories.
  • Uploading to any other website before formal publication is allowed.


  • Once an article is published, authors retain the right to share web links to their published work on any platform.

Download and Sharing:

  • Published authors have the option to download and print their articles in PDF format.
  • They can freely share their articles on any online platform or website.

It's important to note that specific conditions apply to different stages of the publication process:

  1. Pre-Print (Archiving and sharing online not allowed): Prior to formal publication, authors are restricted from archiving or sharing their work online.
  2. Post-Print/Final Post-Print (Archiving and sharing online allowed): After publication, authors are granted the right to archive and share the final post-print version of their article online.
  3. Online Uploading of the PDF: Authors are allowed to upload the PDF of their article to websites or platforms as part of their open-access dissemination strategy.

Authors and readers would be free to share and upload the published research paper online on any website or platform. The open-access policy of the journal applies.

Publishing the article with subscription access:

When authors choose to publish their article as a subscription access article, there are certain restrictions and permissions that apply:

Authors are not allowed to post the items they've submitted to the journal on personal Not-for-Profit websites or any other institutional repositories, both before and after publication. Additionally, they cannot share their articles on any other websites prior to publication or immediately after publication. The only acceptable practice is sharing web links to their published articles after they have been officially published.

However, it's worth noting that the journal does permit "author self-archiving" but only after a waiting period of 24 months following the initial publication of the article. During this time, published authors have the option to download and print their articles in PDF format for personal use, but they are not permitted to share them online on any website.

To summarize the restrictions:

  1. Pre-print (Archiving and sharing online not allowed)
  2. Post-print/Final post-print (Archiving and sharing online not allowed)
  3. Online uploading of the PDF: Not allowed

These guidelines are important for authors to follow in order to adhere to the journal's publication policies and copyright regulations.



A preprint is a version of an article that precedes the peer-review process for publication. This term can encompass two scenarios: articles in their early stages of preparation or articles in their final stages just before submission for peer review. In the latter case, the article is typically well-developed and ready for a thorough evaluation. If peer review results in only minor revisions, a late-stage preprint may closely resemble the final published article.

Postprint/Final Post-print:

A postprint represents the ultimate version of an article that an author reviews before it is officially published. A postprint has undergone peer review, and any changes or revisions suggested by the reviewers have been incorporated. Nevertheless, the author's final postprint and the published version are essentially identical.


The Journal Socrates and its members do not assume any responsibility for items submitted or posted by authors and readers on personal not-for-profit websites, institutional repositories, or anywhere else on the internet. In the event of a breach by the author, the Journal will remove the published article.

This page was last updated on October 8, 2023, at 07:00 AM. If you have any queries, please contact us via email at