Accessibility Options

SOCRATES is a hybrid open-access journal, meaning it publishes both subscription-based and open-access articles. Upon submission, authors must select one of two accessibility options:

1. Publishing the article as open access.
2. Publishing the article with subscription access.

Please note: There are no charges for publication in the journal, including article processing fees, review fees, or publication charges. By default, articles are published with subscription access, requiring a subscription for online access. However, authors seeking the benefits of open-access publication can choose the open-access option for their article. The Open Access Policy applies only to articles published as open access.

Publishing Your Article as an Open-Access Article

When you choose to publish your article as an open-access article:

Access: Your published article will be freely available on SOCRATES e-Journal's website. Anyone on the internet can download and cite it immediately. The Green Self-Archiving policy applies, allowing authors to download and share their published articles online on any platform. [Author's self-archiving policy]

Accessibility Fee (Open Access Fee): The open access fee is paid by the author or on their behalf, for example, by their institution or funding body. Open access fees are USD 100 or equivalent (for up to four authors per paper), depending on the availability of open-access slots in each issue.

Printed Copies of the Issue to the Author(s): Published authors are provided with one free copy of their published issue. If the author is from India, one printed copy is delivered to each author's mailing address. If the author is from overseas, one printed copy is sent to the corresponding author, and one e-copy of the published issue is provided to each author.

Your article, when published as a subscription access article, entails the following:

Access: Your published work will be accessible via the SOCRATES e-Journal's website and the affiliated journal databases. However, only subscribers will have the privilege of accessing it. Subscribers of SOCRATES e-Journal will be able to download and cite your article immediately. This is per the Green Self-Archiving policy. Authors retain the right to download and print their published articles but are restricted from sharing them online on any platform [Author's self-archiving policy].

Accessibility Fee: None

Printed Copies of the Issue to the Author(s):
Published authors will receive one complimentary copy of the issue in which their work appears. Additionally, if the author is based in India, one printed copy will be sent to each author's provided mailing address. For authors located overseas, one electronic copy of the published issue will be provided to each author.

Information on this page was last updated on April 28, 2024, at 05:00 PM.

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